My first experience of Viagra

VIAGRA is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It can help many men who have erectile dysfunction get and keep an erection when they become sexually excited (stimulated).

My first experience of Viagra

Postby 1960darrenh on Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:54 pm

I do not suffer from ED but had been told that taking Viagra would help my Premature Ejaculaton problem. I ordered 10 pills from (NO LINKS PLEASE) a couple of weeks ago. I chose this company as I had read on other forums that they were good. The pills arrived as promised in 10 days from India. I took a 100mg pill. The effect started working in 20 mins. I did find an unusual side effect where everything I looked at looked BLUE and PINK! It was a strange sensation but I did not worry as I had heard about this happening to some people. I was on my own so I masturbated. I found that my erection was very hard but was surprised that when I stopped, the erection went down again. I thought it would stay erect for at least an hour or two. Masturbating again bought it back. Ejaculation took the same amount of time as before and too my disappointment my erection went down within 2 minutes of orgasm. I suppose you cant ask for everything but I did hope it would stay erect so I could last longer with my partner and maybe orgasm a couple of times.

To sum up then. I would imagine these pills are great for people with ED but if you suffer from premature ejaculation or expect to be walking round with a permanent stiff then you maybe disappointed.

Therefore I recommend (NO LINKS PLEASE) as at least the stuff is legit, cheap to buy and safe.

Good Luck and would like to hear some comments. Edited by Admin.
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Re: My first experience of Viagra

Postby doc on Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:20 am

Hi mate

Why do you risk your health with un-approved drugs? Better try genuine medicine and see how effective and safe it could be for you.

Complete Erectile Dysfunction, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra Information
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Re: My first experience of Viagra

Postby x7ph on Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:19 pm

Why did u take Viagra for masturbating :0
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Re: My first experience of Viagra

Postby DerekH on Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:38 am

I think he was saying he was testing on his own before trying it with someone... be kind of embarrassing if something weird happened with something he hadn't tested first.
My first experience was actually before i started to have ED problems. Down in Brazil if you go to a bar, the waiters will sell viagra if they're trying to set you up with a hooker or if they see you have a hot date. So I did and it worked well. Now though I do have problems with maintaining an erection from time to time, so I do keep viagra on hand. I might try some of the generic stuff, but only from the site I buy the brand viagra I get it from now.
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