Men's Online Surgery

ED is when a man has problems getting or maintaining an erection long enough for sex. Discuss your erection related problems here

Men's Online Surgery

Postby adamshinyred on Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:20 am

Hi there,

I’m getting in touch about a new online surgery for men and research about men's concerns for their health.

The research, commissioned by Pfizer, reveals British men worry more about the performance of their cars than their own health and over 3 million men in the UK never do anything about their health, leaving it totally to chance and avoiding their GP.

Other findings reveal:
• 1 in 10 British men will often ignore health concerns, yet only half that number, 1 in 20, would watch a problem with their car deteriorate before taking it to the garage according to OnePoll survey data conducted by Pfizer
• 61% of men will avoid a trip to the doctors at all costs according to OnePoll survey data conducted by Pfizer

To help these men, Pfizer is piloting an online surgery, whereby men can seek professional advice conveniently and within the privacy of their own home. This will be interesting news for the 85% of men who admitted that they would consider discussing a health problem if they could do so privately and confidentially on-line.

The online surgery will be open from 5th October to 9th October at, and is being supported by the Men’s Health Forum and Sexual Dysfunction Association.

If you would like more information please let me know.

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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:13 am

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